Joining Our Team
Interested in joining our team to work on exciting research projects? Check these out:Part-Time Research Assistant (for GMU Students)
PhD Openings
Honor Thesis / Independent Study (for GMU Students)
Visiting Students
Other Info
Part-Time Research Assistant
Interested in VR or game development or other aspects of computer graphics/vision/visualization? Want to work as a part-time research assistant?
Tell us about your availability, skills and interests by filling out this form.
PhD Openings
The Design Computing and Extended Reality Group (DCXR) at the Computer Science Department of George Mason University has 2 PhD openings. We are looking for PhD students passionate about conducting research in Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Virtual/Augmented/Mixed Reality, Human-Computer Interaction, Robotics, Game Design, Computational Design and other related fields.
- currently a Bachelor or Master's student in Computer Science, Mathematics, Computer/Electrical Engineering or other related disciplines (e.g., other engineering displines, GIS, Automation)
- strong passion in computer graphics/vision/AR and VR/gaming technologies/AI and machine learning
- strong programming skills in C/C++ and Python/Matlab
- solid background in mathematics
- proficient in English reading and writing
- GRE (quantitative: above 165)
- experience with game engines (e.g., Unity, Unreal Engine) is a plus
- publication experience is a plus
- Details of the George Mason University's Computer Science PhD program can be found here
- Please apply through GMU's admission application website
- offers Fall & Spring admissions, please check respective application deadlines
- If you are interested in working with me, please specify my name in your application
- You may email me about your credentials (with CV, transcript) and interests in our lab to notify me of your application.
- (though I may not be able to reply due to the large amount of emails received)
Recent international PhD graduates from our department have landed prominent industry jobs (e.g., Google, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft) and faculty positions in the US and around the world. Check out some of the PhD alumni here.
Please check out our website for more details about our research and background.
Visiting Students
If you plan to visit our group (whether you are from US/overseas), please email me about your background and research interests. Please also include your CV. Please note that our lab generally doesn't have funding for visitors.
Honors Thesis/Independent Study (for GMU Students)
GMU students in my class: if you are interested in doing research with me, please come talk to me after class or during my office hours.
If you want to do an Honors Thesis/independent study with me, please email me. Let me know about your interests. You must have strong mathematics and programming background. Preferably, you should have taken a computer graphics / computer vision / game programming / machine learning course, or you should have strong passion and background in these topics.
Other Info
While I expect you to have a good command of English, FYI, I speak fluent English, Mandarin and Cantonese. We can speak any of these languages during our discussion, whatever works.
Our lab has access to many cool devices (e.g., 3D printers, VR and AR devices such as HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Microsoft Holoens). You can make use of these devices to work out creative projects.