Lap-Fai (Craig) Yu
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science
Email: craigyu [At] gmu [Dot] edu
Office: Room 406, Research Hall
Lab: Room 405, Research Hall
Short Bio

I lead the Design Computing and Extended Reality (DCXR) Group at George Mason University. I also co-direct the Center for Advancing Human-Machine Partnership (CAHMP) at GMU. Before joining GMU, I was an Assistant Professor at UMass Boston, where I founded and directed the Graphics and Virtual Environments Lab. I was a visiting scientist at the International Design Center at MIT and a visiting scholar at the Computer Graphics Lab at Stanford. I received my Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from UCLA, where I was advised by Demetri Terzopoulos. I received my B.Eng. and M.Phil. degrees in Computer Science from HKUST. I also worked at the Internet Graphics Group at Microsoft Research Asia. My lab receives generous support from the National Science Foundation, Microsoft, Google, Adobe, Nvidia, Oracle, and Wayfair.

I am the lead inventor of Make-it-Home (SIGGRAPH 2011), a pioneering system for automating interior design and virtual world generation.

I am also a co-founder of Great Victory Legends, a technology startup focusing on extended reality innovations and consulting.

I received an NSF CRII award (2016) for my work on computational design and an NSF CAREER award (2020) for my work on virtual reality.

Research Interests: Mixed Reality, Computational Design, Game Design, Graphics, Vision, Human-Computer Interaction

We are looking for PhD students interested in VR/AR, robotics, and HCI.

*Please check this out if you are interested in joining our team.

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